Westfield State University

Continuing the legacy of its founder, Horace Mann, who in 1839 established it as Americas first public institution of higher education without regard to race, gender or above all, economic class, Westfield State University has emphasized the student as the center of the university. Westfield State builds upon a tradition of excellence and innovation by engaging students in a dynamic and diverse learning community. Through rigorous academic and applied learning, students become leaders in society. They are helped to develop intellectually and to use their knowledge and skills to improve the social and economic conditions in their communities through civic engagement. The university emphasizes the importance of collaborative education, distinguished and strengthened by a general education program that links the arts and sciences with professional studies, and by opportunities for experiential and community-based learning. Westfield States growth is reflected in its expanded academic offerings and opportunities for international study and exchange, as well as the institutionalization of civic engagement and internships. The university has embarked on a $100 million Master Plan that includes a new 54,000 square foot science center for classrooms and laboratory space, a new 410-bed residence hall, and an expansion of its existing Dining Commons. Its collaborations with local government, the business community and area not-for-profits have contributed to the ongoing revitalization of the City of Westfield and its city center with downtown student housing and an extensive calendar of cultural activities.

Academic Grad Slug

School Details

school_type year_founded religious_affiliation academic_calendar year_2016_endowment address telephone
Public, Coed 1839 N/A Semester $6.2 million 577 Western Avenue, Westfield, MA 01086 (413) 572-5300
overall score total score state city online paying global
46 100.0 Massachusetts Westfield 499 500