University of Vermont

The University of Vermont's hilltop campus looks out across one of America's most vibrant small cities to Lake Champlain and the Adirondack Mountains beyond. Here, students' educational experience and activities are enriched by our location -- from the energy and innovation of Burlington to the forests, farms, and independent spirit of Vermont. UVM is a research university of a perfect size, large enough to offer a breadth of ideas, resources, and opportunities, yet small enough to enable close faculty-student mentorship. With a commitment to undergraduate education, UVM professors -- world-class researchers, scholars, and artists -- bring their discoveries into the classroom and their students into the field. You'll find UVM students across all levels of education studying the effects of climate change aboard the Melosira, a research vessel and floating lab; testing new vaccines at the on-campus medical center; launching local start-ups; and working with refugees at Burlington community centers.The fifth oldest university in New England, UVM boasts a legacy of important firsts in education: the first college to declare public support of freedom of religion and the first to admit women and African-Americans to Phi Beta Kappa. Today, the university continues to provide students endless ways to explore the world, challenge ideas, and dig in on the most pressing issues of our time.

Academic Grad Slug

School Details

school_type year_founded religious_affiliation academic_calendar year_2016_endowment address telephone
Public, Coed 1791 N/A Semester $408.9 million + 194 S. Prospect Street, Burlington, VT 05405 (802) 656-3131
overall score total score state city online paying global
50 100.0 Vermont Burlington 142 29

Grade Rank

project rank score
Best Business Schools () Unranked
Best Education Schools () 84 47 out of 100
Best Engineering Schools (Tie) 127 14 out of 100
Locked ()
Best Medical Schools: Primary Care (Tie) 46 62 out of 100
Best Medical Schools: Research (Tie) 66 37 out of 100
Best Nursing Schools: Doctor of Nursing Practice () Unranked
Best Nursing Schools: Master's (Tie) 91
Biological Sciences () 112
Chemistry () 122
Clinical Psychology () 57
Computer Science () RNP
Math () 117
Physical Therapy () 53
Psychology () 66
Public Affairs () 108
Social Work () 88
Speech-Language Pathology () 39


Curriculum and Instruction
Education Policy
Educational Administration and Supervision
Elementary Teacher Education
Higher Education Administration
Secondary Teacher Education
Special Education
Student Counseling and Personnel Services


Aerospace / Aeronautical / Astronautical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering / Bioengineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Electrical / Electronic / Communications Engineering
Environmental / Environmental Health Engineering
Materials Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Petroleum Engineering


Obstetrics and Gynecology


Clinical Nurse Leader
Nurse Practitioner: Adult / Gerontology, Acute Care
Nurse Practitioner: Adult / Gerontology, Primary Care
Nurse Practitioner: Family
Nurse Practitioner: Pediatric, Primary Care
Nurse Practitioner: Psychiatric / Mental Health, Across the Lifespan
Nursing Administration
Nursing Informatics

Social Sciences


Public Affairs

Public Affairs


Physical Therapy
Social Work
Speech-Language Pathology
Clinical Psychology

The Sciences

Biological Sciences
Computer Science


The School of Business Administration at University of Vermont offers these departments and concentrations: entrepreneurship. Its tuition is full-time: $29,580 total program (in-state) and full-time: $51,564 total program (out-of-state).
title value
Application deadline (U.S. residents) July 15
Application deadline (international students) July 15
Applicants (full-time)
Enrollment (full-time) 30
Gender distribution (full-time)
Required fees (full-time) $2,074 per credit
Required fees (part-time) N/A
Required fees (executive degree program) N/A
Average base salary $64,700
Full-time graduates employed at graduation N/A
title address phone email websit rank rank_mark
title value
enrolled 30
title value
total program (full-time, in-state) $29,580
total program (full-time, out-of-state) $51,564


The College of Medicine at University of Vermont has an application deadline of November 1. The application fee at University of Vermont is $125. Its tuition is full-time: $35,380 (in-state) and full-time: $61,260 (out-of-state). The faculty-student ratio at University of Vermont is 1.7:1. The College of Medicine has 805 full- and part-time faculty on staff.
title value
Applications accepted June 1 (Begins) November 1 (Ends)
Application fee $125
AMCAS application accepted Yes
AACOMAS application accepted No
Full-time faculty 758
Full-time faculty-student ratio 1.7:1
Total medical school enrollment 459
Gender distribution
Required fees $2,613
Graduates admitted to their first-choice residency program N/A
Most popular residency and specialty programs (2016 and 2017 classes)
orthopaedic surgery
emergency medicine
pathology - anatomic and clinical
family practice
internal medicine
obstetrics and gynecology
surgery - general
title address phone email websit rank rank_mark
66 Tie
2019 Quick Stats 459
title value
enrolled 459
title value
(full-time, in-state) $35,380
(full-time, out-of-state) $61,260


The College of Engineering and Mathematics Sciences at University of Vermont has an application deadline of February 1. The application fee is $65 for U.S. residents and $65 for international students. The 2017 Ph.D. student-faculty ratio is 1.5:1. The College of Engineering and Mathematics Sciences at University of Vermont has 34 full-time faculty on staff.
title value
Application deadline (U.S. residents) February 1
Application fee (U.S. residents) $65
Application deadline (international students) February 1
Application fee (international students) $65
Full-time faculty (tenured or tenure-track) 34
Ph.D. student/faculty ratio 1.5:1
Enrollment (full-time) 96
Gender distribution (full-time)
Tuition (master's, full-time)
Tuition (master's, part-time)
Tuition (doctoral, full-time)
Tuition (doctoral, part-time)
title address phone email websit rank rank_mark
127 Tie
2019 Quick Stats 96
title value
enrolled (full-time) 96
enrolled (part-time) 20
title value