University of Maryland--Baltimore

About the UniversityFounded in 1807, the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) is Maryland's only public health, law, and human services university, dedicated to excellence in education, research, clinical care, and public service.UMB enrolls 6,500 students in six nationally ranked professional schools -- medicine, law, dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, and social work -- and an interdisciplinary Graduate School. The University offers 50 doctoral, master's, baccalaureate, and certificate programs and confers most of the professional practice doctoral degrees awarded in Maryland.UMB is a thriving academic health center combining cutting-edge biomedical research and exceptional patient care. UMB's extramural funding totals $500 million, and each core faculty member brings nearly $1 million in research grants into UMB every year.The University of Maryland BioPark, Baltimore's biggest biotechnology cluster, fuels the commercialization of new drugs, diagnostics, and devices, giving 850 research scientists and entrepreneurs the space to create and collaborate. Every year, UMB conducts more than 400 translational research projects on behalf of corporate sponsors.UMB delivers more than $40 million each year in uncompensated care to the citizens of Maryland. The University's students, faculty, and staff contribute 2 million hours of service annually, providing programming that improves Marylanders' health and wellness, advances justice, promotes economic development, and strengthens families and communities.MissionTo improve the human condition and serve the public good of Maryland and society at-large through education, research, clinical care, and service.VisionThe University will excel as a pre-eminent institution in its missions to educate professionals, conduct research that addresses real-world issues affecting the human condition, provide excellent clinical care and practice, and serve the public with dedication to improve health, justice, and the public good. The University will become a dominant economic leader of the region through innovation, entrepreneurship, philanthropy, and interdisciplinary and interprofessional teamwork. The University will extend its reach with hallmark local and global initiatives that positively transform lives and our economy. The University will be a beacon to the world as an environment for learning and discovery that is rich in diversity and inclusion. The University's pillars of professionalism are civility, accountability, transparency, and efficiency. The University will be a vibrant community where students, faculty, staff, visitors, and neighbors are engaged intellectually, culturally, and socially.Core ValuesACCOUNTABILITYCIVILITYCOLLABORATIONDIVERSITYEXCELLENCEKNOWLEDGELEADERSHIP

Academic Grad Slug

School Details

school_type year_founded religious_affiliation academic_calendar year_2016_endowment address telephone
Public, Coed N/A N/A Semester N/A 621 W. Lombard Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 706-3100
overall score total score state city online paying global
Maryland Baltimore 82

Student Life List

Total Enrollment live On Campus Description
6,482 N/A University of Maryland--Baltimore has a total undergraduate enrollment of 905, with a gender distribution of 14 percent male students and 86 percent female students.

Student Body

title value
Total enrollment 6,482
Total undergraduate enrollment 905
Total graduate enrollment 5,577
Enrolled students who are veterans or active service members N/A

Degree-seeking student gender distribution

title value
Degree-seeking women 85.7%


Students living on- and off-campus

title value
Students who live in college-owned, operated or affiliated housing N/A
Students who live off-campus N/A

Types of campus housing available


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Collegiate athletic association N/A

Clubs & Organizations

title value
Undergraduate men who are members of a fraternity N/A
Undergraduate women who are members of a sorority N/A
Air Force ROTC Not offered
Army ROTC Not offered
Navy ROTC Not offered