Trine University

Trine University promotes intellectual and personal development, through professionally-focused learning opportunities, preparing graduates to succeed, lead and serve. Trine Universitys 1900 students study engineering, technology, business, teacher education, computer science, sciences and mathematics, criminal justice, golf management, sport management, and psychology in a small town learning environment characterized by caring and helpful faculty members dedicated to teaching. In the Allen School of Engineering and Technology, programs in chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering are ABET-accredited. In the Franks School of Education, all teacher education programs are approved by the Indiana Department of Education/Office of Educator Licensing and Development and by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). In the Ketner School of Business, the majors in accounting, golf management, finance, management, and marketing are accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). A new major in physical therapy was recently added to the new School of Health Sciences. The Cooperative Education Program (alternating semesters of classes and major-related work) as well as internships help prepare our students for successful careers. Within six months of graduation, over 97 percent are employed in their major field. Nearly half of our students participate in one or more of the 21 intercollegiate mens and womens athletic teams (M/W Lacrosse was recently added). Zollner Golf Course, an 18 hole course on our campus, has hosted several national intercollegiate golf championships. Over the last several years, seven new apartment-style residence halls ($22 million) and the University Center and Center for Online Technology ($15.5 million) were opened and a major renovation of C. W. Sponsel Administrative Center ($3.1 million) was completed. The University recently completed a new recreational center with a 200 meter indoor track and four tennis courts ($.35 milllion) and a new football stadium ($4 million).

Academic Grad Slug

School Details

school_type year_founded religious_affiliation academic_calendar year_2016_endowment address telephone
Private, Coed 1884 N/A Semester $29.3 million + 1 University Avenue, Angola, IN 46703 (260) 665-4100
overall score total score state city online paying global
65 100.0 Indiana Angola 193 191