Academic rigor. Inclusive faith community. Undergraduate research facilities. A winning athletic tradition. Affordability. Thomas More College, a Catholic liberal arts institution located in Crestview Hills, KY, just 10 minutes from downtown Cincinnati, offers you everything you for your whole life. Engaged learning is not only encouraged, but is almost unavoidable with Thomas More Colleges 16-to-1 student-to-faculty ratio. This involvement, combined with Thomas Mores proximity to diverse industries, allows you to extend your academic training to co-operative positions, internships and field experiences unique to Thomas More College. Over 35 clubs, organizations and campus ministry opportunities, all tailored to meet students interests and needs, plus 22 NCAA Division III athletic teams, continue your involvement at TMC as a participant, a leader or as the #1 fan. As a Thomas More student, you can take the term, global thinker, to a whole new level by studying at an international sister school, traveling to Jamaica for a service learning trip or taking a field trip to Mexico as part of the Border Studies class. The best part about all of this--its affordable. Thomas More College is committed to helping students make their college decision based on fit, not on cost. At TMC 100% of our students receive institutional financial aid. If you qualify academically, are a graduate of a parochial high school, participate in marching band, or qualify for need based assistance, we have scholarships for you. Thomas More College will transform your life, so you can transform the world.
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