Minutes from Manhattan, St. Francis College is the Small College of Big Dreams. With small classes taught only by professors, numerous internship opportunities and highly successful alumni who actively mentor both undergraduate and graduate students, St. Francis offers a wealth of opportunities that put all students on the path to success in both their personal and professional lives.A recent survey of students graduating from August 2015 to June 2016 found 92% were either working or continuing their education. While, the Upshot, a division of the New York Times found that St. Francis ranked 13th out of 578 selective private colleges in their Overall mobility index, meaning that investing in a St. Francis College education offers students an excellent chance at a better future.For more than 150 years, the mission of St. Francis has been to provide an affordable, quality education to anyone working towards a private college education. Hundreds of successful graduates were the first in their family to attend college. Merit based scholarships that cover near-full tuition for graduating high school students are the cornerstone of the Colleges financial aid program. Additional scholarships of up to $10,000 are also available for incoming and transfer students. Majors at St. Francis range from classic liberal arts to pre-professional majors and concentrations like Biology & Health Promotions and Management. Walk into our Nursing Lab and you might think you've entered a real hospital ward. The lab features a number of robotic simulators that mimic countless illnesses. All the work is captured on video and audio letting instructors review students work step by step. Students can take advantage of our four-year undergraduate Nursing Program while Registered Nurses can take classes in our two-year RN to BS program. A five-year combined Bachelors and Masters degree in Accounting is also offered with graduates regularly accepting jobs at Big Four Accounting Firms, private companies, and public agencies. The combined Five Year Bachelors and Masters Degree in Applied Psychology and Graduate Certificate in Project Management are also growing in popularity. Other students take advantage of the unique HDTV production studio and art theater. St. Francis is also proud to offer a new Low-Residency MFA in Creative Writing that matches students with award winning authors including Man Booker Prize winner Marlon James (A Brief History of Seven Killings).Students participate on 19 Division I athletic teams, including our championship Mens and Womens Basketball and Mens Soccer programs. We also feature sports like, Womens Volleyball and Bowling and the nationally ranked Mens Water Polo team. The Franciscan Tradition of the College ensures an educational environment that supports students and helps develop the whole person. All incoming freshman are required to take a one credit course entitled SFC 1001 which teaches time and stress management, success strategies, how to search for a major and a career, as well as where to get help while at St. Francis. Located in Brooklyn Heights, one of the hottest neighborhoods in New York City, St. Francis College expects all students to not just take classes and go home. They can join more than 40 clubs, fraternities, sororities as well as honor societies. The College takes pride in students who become a vibrant part of the community; learning about social responsibility and mutual respect. These are the ingredients that allow St. Francis College students to achieve their dreams.
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