Malone University

The mission of Malone is to provide students with an education based on biblical faith in order to develop men and women in intellectual maturity, wisdom, and Christian faith who are committed to serving the church, community, and world. As an academic institution in the Christian tradition of the Evangelical Friends, Malone is committed to intellectual enrichment in the context of Christian faith to produce graduates with a love of truth and a vibrant, mature faith. Our intent is that students attain the wisdom, knowledge, and skills necessary to serve, engage, and transform the communities in which they live and work.

Academic Grad Slug

School Details

school_type year_founded religious_affiliation academic_calendar year_2016_endowment address telephone
Private, Coed 1892 Friends Semester $17.7 million 2600 Cleveland Avenue NW, Canton, OH 44709 (330) 471-8100
overall score total score state city online paying global
49 100.0 Ohio Canton 677