Johnson & Wales University

Johnson & Wales University - an exceptional education that inspires professional success and lifelong personal and intellectual growth. In support of our mission and recognizing the importance of preserving our unique student- centered culture we will be guided by the following principles:-Undertake continuous improvement and planning for a sustainable future -Foster a teaching-focused university that encourages appropriate scholarship and offers relevant programs that maximize student potential -Enrich our academic programs with experiential and work-integrated learning -Be cost-conscious in our endeavor to provide an affordable private university education and be a good steward of our resources -Embrace diversity for a richly inclusive community -Model ethical behavior and local, national and global citizenship -Value our faculty and staff by investing in their quality of life and professional development -Provide facilities, technology and other resources to meet the needs of students, faculty and staff University OutcomesProfessional Competency Graduates are expected to demonstrate professional competency and skill within their academic discipline. Career Development Graduates are expected to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to obtain best fit employment in their chosen profession. General Education Graduates are expected to demonstrate competence in general education skills including written and oral language competency, critical thinking, ethical awareness, aesthetic sensibility, environmental awareness, quantitative literacy and community leadership to enhance their specialized knowledge, skills and abilities. Global Diversity Graduates are expected to apply knowledge of diverse perspectives pertinent to workplace settings and the global environment.

Academic Grad Slug

School Details

school_type year_founded religious_affiliation academic_calendar year_2016_endowment address telephone
Private, Coed 1914 N/A Quarter $238.9 million + 8 Abbott Park Place, Providence, RI 02903 (401) 598-1000
overall score total score state city online paying global
58 100.0 Rhode Island Providence 99 117

Student Life List

Total Enrollment live On Campus Description
9,324 45% Johnson & Wales University has a total undergraduate enrollment of 8,459, with a gender distribution of 53 percent male students and 47 percent female students. At this school, 45 percent of the students live in college-owned, -operated or -affiliated housing and 55 percent of students live off campus. In sports, Johnson & Wales University is part of the NCAA III.

Student Body

title value
Total enrollment 9,324
Total undergraduate enrollment 8,459
Total graduate enrollment 865
Enrolled students who are veterans or active service members 1.1%

Degree-seeking student gender distribution

title value
Degree-seeking men 53.5%


Students living on- and off-campus

title value
Students who live in college-owned, operated or affiliated housing 45%
Students who live off-campus 55%

Types of campus housing available

coed dorms
apartment for single students
special housing for disabled students
cooperative housing
theme housing


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Collegiate athletic association NCAA III

Clubs & Organizations

title value
Undergraduate men who are members of a fraternity N/A
Undergraduate women who are members of a sorority N/A
Air Force ROTC Not offered
Army ROTC Offered at cooperating institution (Providence College)
Navy ROTC Not offered