Iowa State University

Students who enroll at this major research, land-grant university experience a unique personal, welcoming environment, and a rich collection of academic and extra-curricular programs that help them discover their own individual greatness. Iowa States mission, "to create, share, and apply knowledge to make the world a better place," and the universitys commitment to excellence, have attracted faculty and staff who are passionate about learning and discovery. Iowa State students are curious, resourceful, and innovative. Iowa State graduates are prepared to be global citizens who are culturally informed, technologically adept, and ready to lead.

Academic Grad Slug

School Details

school_type year_founded religious_affiliation academic_calendar year_2016_endowment address telephone
Public, Coed 1858 N/A Semester $699.4 million 100 Enrollment Services Center, Ames, IA 50011 (515) 294-4111
overall score total score state city online paying global
47 100.0 Iowa Ames 1083 1043 127