Herzing University

The vision of Herzing University is to be the lifelong learning partner for its students, employers, and communities in optimizing their economic and human potential. It is the mission of Herzing University to provide high-quality undergraduate and graduate degrees and diploma programs to prepare a diverse and geographically distributed student population to meet the needs of employers in technology, business, healthcare, design, and public safety. Career-oriented degree programs include a complementary and integrated general education curriculum established to stimulate students' intellectual growth, to contribute to their personal development, and to enhance their potential for career advancement. The following principles guide the University in fulfilling our mission. Foster Our Core Values - Promote an educational and workplace culture that fosters professionalism, respect for others, personal responsibility and integrity, caring, and civic and community engagement among our students and employees. Optimize Human Potential - Sustain a positive and effective educational environment which optimizes the personal and professional potential of our students and employees, and which respects individual contributions and perspectives. Improve the Value Equation for Students - Continually improve the University's high-quality educational programs to increase their value to students. Innovate to optimize students' educational journeys and align learning outcomes with lifelong learning and workforce needs. Engage Students - Provide instructional and student-support services that create an engaging, caring, student-centered environment to facilitate student achievement of the defined learning outcomes, their educational goals, and their personal development. Create Access for Diverse Group of Students - Provide access to our programs and services to qualified students of diverse age, interests, abilities, and cultures. Respond to the dynamic needs of our diverse and geographically distributed students through face-to-face and distance education delivery modalities. Embrace Innovation for Student Success - Provide a high-performance learning environment that utilizes new technologies, methodologies, and best practices to serve the dynamic lifelong learning needs of our students. Demonstrate Effectiveness - Continually assess student learning outcomes as well as educational and institutional effectiveness to drive continuous improvement in the value we provide to our students, employers, and society at large. Pursue Collaboration and Partnerships - Pursue cooperation and alliances with educational institutions, organizations and associations on a local, regional, national and international basis to fulfill our mission and public educational purpose. Ensure Sustainability - Ensure effective and efficient use of our human, physical, technology, and financial resources. Utilize data and analysis to inform planning, budgeting, and decision-making processes to ensure continued improvement of our educational offerings, fulfillment of our mission, and sustained future development. Herzing University's educational and organizational philosophy was founded on core values that constitute the Herzing culture. These values are essential not only for personal development, but are also the foundation for a successful, meaningful career. These core values; professionalism, respect, integrity, caring, and engagement are encompassed in a framework called "P.R.I.C.E. of Success." In order to help each student develop and strengthen these qualities, they have been incorporated into the learning environment.

Academic Grad Slug

School Details

school_type year_founded religious_affiliation academic_calendar year_2016_endowment address telephone
Proprietary, Coed 1965 Other Semester N/A 5218 E. Terrace Drive, Madison, WI 53718 (866) 508-0748
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Wisconsin Madison 806