Glenville State College
School Details
school_type | year_founded | religious_affiliation | academic_calendar | year_2016_endowment | address | telephone |
Public, Coed | 1872 | N/A | Semester | $12.5 million | 200 High Street, Glenville, WV 26351 | (304) 462-7361 |
overall score | total score | state | city | online | paying | global |
34 | 100.0 | West Virginia | Glenville | 312 |
Info & Regulations
title | value |
Campus size (acres) | 325 |
Students who have cars on campus | N/A |
Alcohol permitted on campus for students of legal age | No |
Health & Safety
Basic student services offered
Details |
nonremedial tutoring |
placement service |
health service |
Campus safety and security services offered
Details |
Late night transport/escort service |
24-hour emergency telephones |
Lighted pathways/sidewalks |
Student patrols |
Controlled dormitory access (key, security card, etc.) |
Career services offered
Details |
on-campus job interviews |
internships |
resume assistance |
interest inventory |
interview training |
Computer Resources
Computers available for student use in
Details |
residence halls |
library |
Library & Museum Information
title | value |
On-campus library | Yes |
Museums or special academic buildings on campus | N/A |
Learning Disabled (LD) Students
Physically Disabled Students
title | value |
Accessibility of campus to physically disabled students | Mostly |
Services for physically disabled students
Details |
Note-taking services |
Tape recorders |
Special housing |
Tutors |
Reader services |
Talking books |