Ferrum College

Preparing students for a lifetime of success and learning, Ferrum College offers an ideal environment for academic and personal growth. A Ferrum education combines innovative instruction with experiential learning in an array of professional and liberal arts majors. Amid the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, the Ferrum College experience builds career skills while guiding students to become caring and concerned citizens in an ever-changing world.

Academic Grad Slug

School Details

school_type year_founded religious_affiliation academic_calendar year_2016_endowment address telephone
Private, Coed 1913 N/A Semester $45.6 million P.O. Box 1000, Ferrum, VA 24088 (540) 365-2121
overall score total score state city online paying global
42 100.0 Virginia Ferrum

Criminal Offenses -- On-Campus

Criminal Offenses -- On-Campus Student Housing Facility

Arrests -- Noncampus Building or Property

title year_2013 year_2014 year_2015
Illegal weapons possession 0 0 0
Drug law violations 0 0 0
Liquor law violations 0 0 2

Arrests -- On-Campus

title year_2013 year_2014 year_2015
Illegal weapons possession 0 0 0
Drug law violations 2 0 0
Liquor law violations 2 0 1

Arrests -- On-Campus Student Housing Facility

title year_2013 year_2014 year_2015
Illegal weapons possession 0 0 0
Drug law violations 2 0 0
Liquor law violations 2 0 1

Criminal Offenses -- Noncampus Building or Property