ECPI University
Choosing a college is an extremely important decision, and it's one that should be based on facts. On that count, ECPI University certainly rates among the best. At ECPI University, our supportive faculty and staff are dedicated to your success from the moment you arrive on campus. Our tradition of hands-on, student-centered education is an effective way to build skills, and our flexible, accelerated programs are designed to accommodate your schedule. From student support services to employer partnerships, ECPI University is committed to our students' success.
Academic Grad SlugSchool Details
school_type | year_founded | religious_affiliation | academic_calendar | year_2016_endowment | address | telephone |
Proprietary, Coed | 1966 | N/A | Semester | N/A | 5555 Greenwich Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23462 | (757) 671-7171 |
overall score | total score | state | city | online | paying | global |
Virginia | Virginia Beach | 851 |
Info & Regulations
title | value |
Campus size (acres) | N/A |
Students who have cars on campus | N/A |
Alcohol permitted on campus for students of legal age | N/A |
Health & Safety
Basic student services offered
Details |
nonremedial tutoring |
placement service |
Career services offered
Details |
on-campus job interviews |
internships |
resume assistance |
career/job search classes |
alumni network |
interview training |
Computer Resources
Library & Museum Information
title | value |
On-campus library | Yes |
Museums or special academic buildings on campus | N/A |
Learning Disabled (LD) Students
Physically Disabled Students
title | value |
Accessibility of campus to physically disabled students | N/A |