College of Central Florida

School Details

school_type year_founded religious_affiliation academic_calendar year_2016_endowment address telephone
Public, Coed 1957 N/A Semester $54.5 million + 3001 SW College Road, Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 854-2322
overall score total score state city online paying global
Florida Ocala 907

Info & Regulations

title value
Campus size (acres) N/A
Students who have cars on campus N/A
Alcohol permitted on campus for students of legal age No

Health & Safety

Basic student services offered

day care

Campus safety and security services offered

24-hour foot and vehicle patrols
Late night transport/escort service
24-hour emergency telephones
Lighted pathways/sidewalks


Career services offered

co-op education
on-campus job interviews
career/job search classes
alumni network
interview training

Computer Resources

Computers available for student use in

residence halls
student center

Library & Museum Information

title value
On-campus library Yes
Museums or special academic buildings on campus Appleton Museum of Art, Webber Center

Learning Disabled (LD) Students

Physically Disabled Students

title value
Accessibility of campus to physically disabled students N/A

Services for physically disabled students

Tape recorders
Adaptive equipment
Braille services