California Institute of Integral Studies

MISSION AND EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHYCalifornia Institute of Integral Studies is an accredited university of that strives to embody spirit, intellect, and wisdom in service to individuals, communities and the Earth. The university offers interdisciplinary, cross-cultural, and applied studies in psychology, acupuncture, philosophy, religion, cultural anthropology, transformative studies and leadership, integrative health, womens spirituality, counseling, community mental health, and the arts. With its personal learning environment and supportive community, CIIS provides an extraordinary education for people committed to transforming themselves and the world.WHAT IS INTEGRAL EDUCATION?Integral studies are a response to the growing need to synthesize the fragmentary aspects of contemporary thought and culture into a meaningful whole. The integral outlook, envisioned by the founders of CIIS as embodying a creative synthesis of the highest values of East and West, has grown to encompass the study of traditions and experience from around the globe. Integral studies at CIIS encompass all aspects of learning: the intellectual, the experiential and the applied.Providing an integral education for a changing world, the Institute creates and integrates knowledge beyond the confines of traditional academic disciplines. CIIS values cultural diversity, multiple ways of knowing, spirituality, a sense of community, emancipatory ideals, and ecological sustainability, developing a reflective and innovative learning community. In exploring the interplay of mind, body, and spirit, integral education connects the spiritual and practical dimensions of intellectual life. The integration of the wisdom traditions presents an evolution of consciousness that has never been more relevant and crucial than it is today.ABOUT THE BACHELORS COMPLETION PROGRAMServing adult learners who have completed the equivalent of the first two years of college, the CIIS bachelors completion degree is designed to complement busy lifestyles. Since 2000, this program has graduated 68 percent of its students within one year of enrollment.COURSE OF STUDYThe core curriculum in the School of Undergraduate Studies evolves each semester according to our students, faculty, contemporary culture and emerging scholarship. In the core curriculum, students work together in a cohort, or a group of peers over the three-semester sequence.

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School Details

school_type year_founded religious_affiliation academic_calendar year_2016_endowment address telephone
Private, Coed 1968 N/A Semester N/A 1453 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 575-6100
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California San Francisco