Blackburn College

Blackburn College, founded in 1837 and affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA), provides a coeducational student body with a rigorous, distinctive, and affordable liberal arts education that prepares graduates to be responsible, productive citizens. The Blackburn community values critical and independent thinking, leadership development, respect for all individuals, and lifelong learning. The College fosters a sense of service, community, and moral responsibility through its unique student-managed work program, its collegial concept of shared governance, and its faculty/staff mentor relationship with students.

Academic Grad Slug

School Details

school_type year_founded religious_affiliation academic_calendar year_2016_endowment address telephone
Private, Coed 1837 Presbyterian Church (USA) Semester $18.8 million + 700 College Avenue, Carlinville, IL 62626 (217) 854-3231
overall score total score state city online paying global
49 100.0 Illinois Carlinville 436