Bethany College

Bethany College began the academic year with a renewed spirit that was evidenced in the first actions of its new President, William A. Jones. At the Opening Convocation, which welcomes back to campus students, faculty and staff, President Jones washed the feet of a student to demonstrate his commitment to be a servant leader to his Christian faith and to student success and invited all attending to join him at the fountains in the center of campus to do the same. More than 200 responded, some waiting more than 30 minutes, to have the opportunity to wash the feet of someone else.This visible example of one of Bethany's core values - Servant Leadership - has been a touchstone this year as Bethany continues to address current challenges and plan for a thriving future.Bethany also announced a new opportunity for local students graduating from any Saline or McPherson County high school called The Good Life Scholarship. The scholarships offer free tuition to all local graduates accepted to Bethany for the next five years beginning in the fall of 2017. The scholarship, made possible through the generous support of local donors, is a way for Bethany to show its gratitude for 135 years of support from Saline and McPherson Counties.

Academic Grad Slug

School Details

school_type year_founded religious_affiliation academic_calendar year_2016_endowment address telephone
Private, Coed 1881 Evangelical Lutheran Church 4-1-4 N/A 421 N. First Street, Lindsborg, KS 67456 (785) 227-3311
overall score total score state city online paying global
38 100.0 Kansas Lindsborg