Beloit College

Beloit College offers students an education that is put into action. With extensive opportunities to study abroad, engage in internships and field terms, collaborate with professors, start businesses, form clubs, and play sports, students plunge into campus life, get their hands dirty, put the liberal arts into practice, and emerge with the experiences and global knowledge to live meaningfully and productively in the 21st century. Since its founding over 165 years ago, Beloit's 1350 students--from nearly every state and over 40 countries--are at home in the world of ideas and leave the college, able to make critical connections between thought and action. Beloit boasts two teaching museums (anthropology and art), a state-of-the-art science center, a newly renovated track and turf field at the stadium, and a lush, green campus reminiscent of its New England heritage. Ninety percent of students live on campus, creating a tightknit community of creative, interesting, and engaged learners. Surprisingly, an education this rich in opportunity can be affordable. Over 97 percent of students are receiving financial aid, with average aid almost $28,000. A founding member of The Colleges That Change Lives, Beloit College continues to transform young adults into this nations leaders in business, education, the for- and non-profit sectors, government, and global industries.

Academic Grad Slug

School Details

school_type year_founded religious_affiliation academic_calendar year_2016_endowment address telephone
Private, Coed 1846 N/A Semester $145.2 million 700 College Avenue, Beloit, WI 53511 (608) 363-2000
overall score total score state city online paying global
61 100.0 Wisconsin Beloit 869

Overall Score

title value
Score 61

Graduation and Retention Rates (22.5%)

title value
6-year graduation rate 73%
High school counselor score (out of 5) 3.7

Faculty Resources (20%)

title value
Classes with fewer than 20 students 68.9%
Classes with 50 or more students 0%
Student-faculty ratio 11:1

Student Selectivity (12.5%)

title value
Fall 2016 acceptance rate 70%